Project Management

Project Management #

We mainly use Scrum to manage our project development. Each sprint will last for one week. We have scheduled a weekly meeting each Friday at 10:00 am GMT+8. You can join the meeting through zoom.

TODO: share a calendar link

What is Scrum #

We have a sharing about the Scrum practice in TensorChord. You can check the slides.

Scrum is a framework for managing and completing complex projects, typically in software development. Scrum meetings are designed to help teams stay focused, transparent, and accountable.

In the meeting, we will:

  • review the pasted sprint tasks
  • highlight the progress, problems and risks
  • plan for the next sprint

Usually, there will be a Scrum Master host the meeting. We will allocate story points for each issue. 1 story point approximately equals to half day work. The main purpose of the story point is to align the expectation for the specific task.

Scrum meetings are intended to be inclusive and participatory, with all team members encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas.